Oxford Network for Ancient Philosophy : All Pages
- Home
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- Events
- DPhil Student Members
- Core Faculty Members
- Giuseppe Colonna
- Luca Castagnoli
- Roger Crisp
- Regular Activities
- Ursula Coope
- Marion Durand
- Oxford people
- Resources
- Events
- Invited Speakers
- Reading Groups
- Ancient Philosophy Triangle Graduate Colloquium
- Barnaby Taylor
- People
- Tobias Reinhardt
- Dirk Meyer
- Diwakar Acharya
- Jan Westerhoff
- Johannes Zachhuber
- Jessica Frazier
- Mark Edwards
- Simon Shogry
- Karen-Margrethe Nielsen
- Alexander Bown
- Michail Peramatzis
- Lindsay Judson
- Dominic Scott
- Paolo Fait
- Stefan Sienkiewicz
- Lecturers & Research Fellows
- Brendan Harris
- Victor D'Avella
- Jacob Fisher
- Cole Phelps
- Sihao Chew
- Chong FU
- Alfred Ye
- Kassandra Dugi
- Brett Parris
- Emily Daly
- Hermann Koerner
- Matas Kersys
- Master's Programmes
- DPhil Programmes
- Study
- Graduate Funding
- Aamir Kaderbhai
- Leverhulme Major Research Grant Awarded to Associate Professor Karen Margrethe Nielsen
- Henry Bowles
- Ólafur Haukur Árnason
- Szilvia Szanyi
- News
- Hellenistic Philosophy Reading Group
- Sybilla Pereira
- Conferences
- Current Seminars & Teaching
- Cicero's Laelius - Graduate Seminar (MT 2022)
- Janine Gühler
- Ugo Zilioli
- Persons and Objects in Ancient Philosophy: Greek and Indian Buddhist (Workshop)
- Tom Ainsworth
- Teddy Jennings
- Charis Jo
- Katherine Hong
- 'Time and Soul in Antiquity' - Professor Johannes Zachhuber (Talk)
- ONAP Launch Party
- CfP - The Twelfth Annual Cambridge Graduate Conference in Ancient Philosophy:(In)justice in Ancient Philosophy
- Ancient Philosophy Today: Dialogoi Special Edition (CfP) - Ancient Philosophy of Mathematics and its Reception
- Philiminality Oxford Reading Group: The Philosophy of the Xunzi
- Associate Professor/Professor of Indian Philosophy (Job opportunity)
- CfA - Varieties of Ineffability in Ancient Philosophy
- Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (HT 2023)
- Stoic Philosophy of Language - Graduate Seminar (HT 2023)
- New publication: Cicero's Academici libri and Lucullus
- The Best Books on Neoplatonism
- New Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Soicism
- Oxford Asian Philosophies Group
- Southern Association for Ancient Philosophy - 2023 Meeting (Oxford)
- New publication: The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Logic
- ONAP Blog
- What is involved in editing an ancient text?
- Questioning ‘Western Philosophy’: Philosophical, Historical, & Historiographical Challenges (Conference)
- BJHP Beaney Prize Awarded to DPhil Student Lea Cantor
- CfA - Plato on Change (Workshop, Università della Svizzera Italiana)
- Eric Sheng
- Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (TT 2023)
- Memory in Hellenistic Philosophy and Late Antiquity - Graduate Seminar (TT 2023)
- OCHS Indian philosophy Seminars
- Nathan Carlig on the new Empedocles fragment
- LOXY Ancient Philosophy Conference
- Ackrill Lecture: Rachana Kamtekar (Cornell)
- Leverhulme Lecture & Book Launch: Valentina Calzolari (Geneva/Oxford), 'The Reception of Neoplatonism in Armenia'
- CfA - ‘Anātman and Philosophy’ Conference (Oxford)
- Henology. Ancient, Medieval, and Contemporary Accounts of Oneness
- Philosophising with the Greats
- Varieties of Ineffability in Ancient Philosophy - Call for Registration & Programme
- Philosophy in Greece and India
- Graham Doke
- Eve Harrington
- Madeleine Parkinson
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in the Study of Religion (MT 2023)
- Jacob Mortimer
- Three Lectures by Mark Siderits (Professor of Philosophy emeritus, Seoul National University)
- Andrea Buongiorno
- Ancient epistemology - Graduate Seminar (MT 2023)
- Aristotle on Knowledge, Belief, & other Mental States in the Posterior Analytics & Nicomachean Ethics VI – Graduate Seminar (MT 2023)
- Lectures by Prof Alex Watson (Ashoka University)
- Setareh Rezazad
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Indian Philosophy Classes (MT 2023, HT 2024)
- 'Anātman and Philosophy' Conference – Registration and Programme
- Seminar on Indian Philosophy (MT 2023)
- Philiminality Oxford: Call for Applications
- BSHP Postdoctoral Fellowships Awarded to Szilvia Szanyi and Alesia Preite
- Gonzalo Fernandez
- Lecture by Prof John Nemec (University of Virginia)
- Lectures by Prof Gavin Flood (OCHS)
- Flora Nelson
- Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (MT 2023)
- Lecture by Prof. Anand Jayprakash Vaidya (San Jose State University)
- Interdisciplinary Seminar in the Study of Religion (HT 2024)
- Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (HT 2024)
- New publication: Vice in Ancient Philosophy
- New publication: Stoic Eros
- Seminar on Indian Philosophy (HT 2024)
- New publication: Eliminativism in Ancient Philosophy
- Oxford Network for Ancient Philosophy: Use of cookies on this website
- Aristotle, Movement, and the Ontology of Action – Graduate Seminar (TT 2024)
- The 2024 John Locke Lectures: Seeing in Sanskrit
- Topics in Indian philosophy of perception and aesthetics – Graduate Seminar (TT 2024)
- Ackrill Lecture: James Allen (Toronto)
- Corpus Christi Classics Centre Lecture: George Boys-Stones (Toronto)
- Seminar on Indian Philosophy (TT 2024)
- Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (TT 2024)
- Professor Monima Chadha Joins Philosophy Faculty as Professor of Indian Philosophy
- Monima Chadha
- Philiminality Oxford Work-in-Progress Seminar for Cross-cultural Philosophy
- God and Consciousness in Indian Traditions
- Work in Progress Seminars
- Oxford Nicolas Berggruen Prize Awarded To Former ONAP member and Graduate Assistant Dr Lea Cantor
- Jack Beaulieu
- Michele Pecorari
- Sun Tik (Vergil) Wong
- Ancient epistemology - Graduate Seminar (MT 2024)
- Plato's Phaedrus - Graduate Seminar (MT 2024)
- The 2024 Isaiah Berlin Lectures
- Julius Geissler
- Peter Smith
- Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (MT 2024)
- Seminar on Indian Philosophy (MT 2024)
- Christopher Izgin
- Giuseppe Cumella
- Workshop in Ancient Philosophy (HT 2025)
- The Stoic System - Graduate Seminar (HT 2025)
- Themes in Aristotle's Ethics: Justice, Practical Wisdom, Weakness of Will, Pleasure - Graduate Seminar (HT 2025)
- Sam Woodward
- Seminar on Indian Philosophy (HT 2025)
- Oxford Seminar in the Pre-Modern History of East Asia
- 2025 Keeling Memorial Lecture: Ursula Coope
- Abaas Chaudhry
- Harry Alanen