Ancient Philosophy Triangle Graduate Colloquium

Once a term, a colloquium is convened for graduate students in Ancient Philosophy in London, Oxford, and Cambridge. The colloquium takes place over one day, in one of the three locations, and features a speaker and respondent from each. The colloquium is attended, and chaired, by a representative staff member from each of the institutions.
10.15am – 11.30am: Hugo Whitmee (KCL), ‘Metaphors in the Timaeus Receptacle Passage’
Comments by Madeleine Parkinson (Oxford)
11.30 am – 11.45am: Break
11.45 am – 1.00pm: Zuri Biringer (Cambridge), ‘Problems with Universals, Problems with Particulars: Aristotle's Metaphysics Z.13’
Comments by Glenda Hall (Birkbeck)
1.00pm – 2.00pm: Lunch
2.00pm-3.15pm: Demosthenis Patramanis (Oxford), ‘A Defence of a Logical Atomism Reading of Socrates' Dream (Theaetetus 201d-202c)’
Comments by Yfke Van Der Heijden (Cambridge)
The 9th Triangle Ancient Philosophy Graduate Colloquium, 18th November 2022 (Hosted by the Cambridge Faculty of Classics, room R.01)
11.15am: Coffee
11.30am – 12.45pm: Lea Cantor (Oxford), ‘Assuming Parmenides argued for numerical monism, what follows?’
Respondent: Melissa Jones (Cambridge)
Chair: Sophia Connell (Birkbeck)
2pm – 3.15pm: Lawrence Evans (London), ‘Aristotle's criteria of finality and self-sufficiency’
Respondent: Andrea Buongiorno (Oxford)
Chair: James Warren (Cambridge)
(coffee break)
3.30pm – 4.45pm: Andrew Romonowski (Cambridge), 'The Erotic Psychology of the Philotimos in the Symposium and the Phaedrus’
Respondent: Jelena Milosaljevic (London)
Chair: Marion Durand (Oxford)
The 8th Triangle Ancient Philosophy Graduate Colloquium, 6th May 2022 (Hosted by UCL at Senate House in London, room 243)
10.15am – 11.30am: Glenda Hall (Birkbeck), ‘The role of onoma in the account of false statement in Plato’s Sophist’
Respondent: Demosthenes Patramanis (Oxford)
Chair: Nicholas Denyer (Cambridge)
(short coffee break)
11.45am – 1.00pm: Hermann Koerner (Oxford), ‘But one must look there. Two Methods of Inquiry in Republic X 611b1–612a7’
Respondent: Ashley Lance (Cambridge)
Chair: Fiona Leigh (UCL)
(lunch break – lunch provided)
3.30pm – 4.45pm: Kyosuke Katada (Cambridge), ‘Heavenly Motion and Natural Place in De Caelo’
Respondent: Jonathan Griffiths (UCL)
Chair: Ursula Coope (Oxford)
The Seventh Ancient Philosophy Triangle Graduate Colloquium, 5th March 2021 (via Zoom)
10.15-11.30: Alesia Preite (Oxford), 'What does the Universe Think About? On Cosmic Perception and Cognition in the Timaeus.'
Comments by Lawrence Evans (UCL)
11.30-11.45: Break
11.45-1: Natashja Van Luijn (Cambridge), 'The epistemological function(s) of the comparisons in Democritus' B164’
Comments by Hermann Koerner (Oxford)
1-3.30: Lunch
3.30-4.45: Luca Dondoni (KCL), 'The Quest for Fundamentality: Eleatic and Platonic Metaphysics and the Challenge of Infinite Descent'
Comments by Andrew Romanowski (Cambridge)
Chairs: Raphael Woolf, Gábor Betegh, Michail Peramatzis
The Sixth Ancient Philosophy Triangle Graduate Colloquium, 30th October 2020 (via Zoom)
Branislav Kotoc (London) 'Say What You Believe - The Sincerity Condition in Plato'.
Jacob Andersen (Cambridge) to respond.
Chair: Frisbee Sheffield
1.45-3pm Chiara Martini (Oxford) ‘Aristotle on Geometrical Objects’
Luca Dondoni (London) to respond; Chair: Joachim Aufderheide
3.15-4.30pm Zoe Audra (Cambridge): ‘Heraclitus' Theory of Action’
Daniel Harkin (Oxford) to respond. Chair: Alex Bown
The Fifth Ancient Philosophy Triangle Graduate Colloquium, 29th November 2019 (Philosophy Department, UCL)
11:15: Coffee
11:30-12:45: Session 1: Kyo-Sun (KCL): ‘Why and in what sense is the just life the most pleasant kind of life?: Republic IX, 580c-583a’
Response: Zoë Audra (Cambridge)
Chair: Ursula Coope (Oxford)
12:45-14:00: Lunch
14:00-15:15: Session 2: Guus Eelink (Oxford): ‘Why knowledge is not perception: Theaetetus 184b-187a’; response: Chandler Clark (UCL); chair: Nicholas Denyer (Cambridge)
15:30-16:45: Session 3: Rares Marinescu (Cambridge): ‘Proclus’ criticism of Aristotelian causality’; response: Alesia Preite (Oxford); chair: Shaul Tor (KCL)
16:45: Coffee
The Fourth Ancient Philosophy Triangle Graduate Colloquium, 1st March 2019 (Worcester College, Oxford)
11.30-12.45: Kaicheng Fang (Cambridge), The Stoic Sage and the City in Seneca's De Clementia
Response by Connor Fairbairn (KCL)
Chaired by Michael Peramatzsis
2-3.15: Niels Christensen (UCL), Magnanimity in Aristotle
Response by Sybilla Pereira (Oxford)
Chaired by Elena Cagnoli Fiecconi
3.45-5:00: Mattia Sisti (Oxford), On Ancient Pyrrhonism
Response by Nathasja Van Luijn (Cambridge)
Chaired by Nicholas Denyer
The Third Ancient Philosophy Triangle Graduate Colloquium, 16th November 2018 (Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge)
11:00 – 11:30: Arrival and Coffee, room R.01
11:30 – 12:45: first session: Branislav Kotoc (KCL), ‘Courage and conversation in the Laches’
Response by Caterina Baldini (Oxford)
Chair: Myrto Hatzimichali (Cambridge)
12:45 – 13:45: lunch
13:45 – 15:00: second session: Stephan Stephanides (Cambridge), ‘The importance of συμμετρία in Plato’
Response by Niels Christensen (UCL)
Chair: Simon Shogry (Oxford)
15:00 – 15:15: coffee/tea break
15:15 – 16:30: third session: Harry Alanen (Oxford), ‘The aporia of Physics III'
Response by George Medvedev (Cambridge)
Chair: Raphael Woolf (KCL)
The Second Ancient Philosophy Triangle Graduate Colloquium, 6th June 2018 (UCL, Philosophy Department; Philosophy Seminar Room, 1st floor)
11.15: Coffee
11.30-12.45: Taichi Miura (KCL), 'Is the Philosophical Life Ascetic? The Affinity Argument (Phaedo, 78b-84b)'
Response from Vilius Bartninkas (Cambridge)
Chair: Fiona Leigh
12.45-2: Lunch
2-3.15: Bradford Kim (Oxford), 'Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics IX.8 on Self-Love and Maximising the Fine for Oneself'
Response from Niels Christensen (UCL)
Chair: Myrto Hatzimichali
3.30-4.45: Alessio Santoro (Cambridge), 'The One is not a Substance: Aristotle, Metaphysics Iota 2, 1053b9-24'
Response from Saloni de Souza (Oxford)
Chair: Ursula Coope
The First Ancient Philosophy Triangle Graduate Colloquium, 14th February 2018 (Keble College, Oxford; room SR 5)
11.30-12.45: Branislav Kotoc (KCL)
Response from Caterina Pello (Cambridge)
Chair: Ursula Coope
12.45-2: Lunch
2-3.15: Katharine O'Reilly (Oxford)
Response from Kyo-Sun Koo (KCL)
Chair: James Warren
3.30-4.45: Stephen Hailey (Cambridge)
Response from Philipp Kurbel (Oxford)
Chair: Joachim Aufderheide