Reading Groups
Convenor: Prof. Michail Peramatzis
Venue: Worcester College
Time: Fridays, 11am-1pm
Text: Aristotle’s Physics II
While this Graduate and Faculty reading group is not listed in the Philosophy Faculty lecture or seminar lists, it has been taking place for several decades now. It is organised by Prof. Michail Peramatzis, whom you should contact if you would like to take part (
Currently reading Aristotle’s Physics II, discussions within this friendly group are a great way for students and faculty to read a text slowly, cautiously, and open-mindedly. It takes place every Friday at 11am-1pm at Worcester College.
Convenors: Prof. Alexander Bown, Prof. Luca Castagnoli, Prof. Marion Durand, Prof. Simon Shogry, Dr. Stefan Sienkiewicz
Venue: Oriel College, MacGregor Room (third quad)
Time: Mondays, 2-3.30pm
Text: Cicero, De Finibus
This term we will finish reading Cicero De Finibus I and then move on to Epicurus’ Letter to Menoeceus (= Diogenes Laertius X.122-135). A provisional schedule is below. All are welcome. Please get in touch with the organisers if you would like to take the lead in translating.
More information can be found here.