Please see below for a call for submissions on the subject of Ancient Philosophy of Mathematics, broadly conceived, and its contemporary relevance, for a forthcoming journal special edition of Ancient Philosophy Today: Dialogoi.
Circulated on behalf of Chiara Martini (Oxford)
Ancient Philosophy Today: Dialogoi - CfP
Special edition: Ancient Philosophy of Mathematics and its Reception
Submission deadline: 30 April 2023
Submissions email: & (please send to both emails)
Ancient Philosophy Today: Dialogoi invites paper submissions on the subject of Ancient Philosophy of Mathematics, broadly conceived, and its contemporary relevance, for a forthcoming special edition.
The journal specialises in work highlighting the relevance and value of ancient texts in addressing the philosophical issues of our day, and the goal of this edition is to bring ancient philosophy of mathematics and its reception to bear on contemporary thinking in fruitful ways.
We welcome submissions based on philosophical or mathematical texts from any ancient tradition (e.g., Mesopotamian, Greek, Roman, Indian, Arabic, Chinese) as well as their reception in the history of philosophy of mathematics.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Ontology of mathematical objects (e.g. realism, fictionalism, constructivism…)
- Epistemology of mathematics
- Mathematical practice (e.g. visualisation, diagrammatic reasoning, representational systems…)
- The problem of generality
- Transmission of mathematical texts and diagrams
- The use of mathematics and mathematical arguments in other areas of philosophy, such as ethics, aesthetics, and theology.
Papers should be 9000 words long at most and include an abstract of no more than 500 words, along with six key words.
Submissions should be fully prepared for blind review in a PDF file and accompanied by a separate cover sheet including the title of the paper, the author name, their institutional affiliation (if any), and their email. Papers must be submitted to both: and by 30 April 2023 for full consideration.
Chiara Martini, University of Oxford, Guest Editor
Gonzalo Gamarra Jordán, University of Notre Dame, Guest Editor