Current Seminars & Teaching

Graduate Seminars (2024-2025)

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Faculty: Philosophy

Convenors: Prof Marion Durand & Prof Simon Shogry

Tuesdays, 11am–1pm, Radcliffe Humanities (Ryle Room)

More information here.

Faculty: Philosophy

Convenors: Prof Karen Margrethe Nielsen & Prof Terence Irwin

Tuesdays, 2pm–4pm, Keble College (Seminar Room 1)

More information here.

Faculty: Philosophy

Convenors: Prof Alex Bown & Prof Simon Shogry

Thursdays, 9am–11am, Balliol College (Massey Room except week 3: Russell Room)

More information here.

Faculty: Philosophy

Convenor: Prof Dominic Scott

Tuesdays, 11am–1pm, Radcliffe Humanities building: Ryle Room (first floor)

More information here.

Faculty: Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Convenor: Prof. Dirk Meyer

Wednesdays, 11am–1pm, The Queen's College

This seminar convenes each Wednesday between second and eight week of each term.  Each term, we meet to discuss and translate a different text in classical Chinese philosophy.

Please note that a good command of Classical Chinese is a prerequisite for this seminar.

If interested, please contact Prof. Dirk Meyer (


Upcoming Lectures (HT 2025)

Undergraduate lectures:
For times/locations, see the
Philosophy Lecture List and the Theology Lecture List.